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Prospective member
Patrick Strohmenger

I have been to the Makerspace 4 times only and two of those four times I was aggressed by the colourful neighbors at the mustard seed. I was very much looking forward to joining but I do not feel safe with people prepping their crack pipes on the hood of my car or being yelled at for asking nicely if they could move their bags and garbage so I could get my car out. It seems you have a wonderful facility at the Makerspace but I will not join as it seems like an unnecessary risk to my personal safety and I certainly cannot recommend it to anyone else. I was absolutely brimming with excitement and enthusiasm when I found out about you guys, but my excitement has been replaced with anger and fear. If the mustard seed ever moves I will once again debate joining.


Hello Patrick. Thank you for bringing this forward. We agree that these issues are a serious issue with our location. We have had discussions with the mustard seed management to try to minimize these problems, however, more discussion and action is evidently needed. I will see what i can do to resolve these problems.

Thank you.

Kyle Rankin


Kamloops Makerspace Society

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