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Need Help With Payment and Key
Colin sparkes

Hey, folks.

I'm new to the makerspace, I only just paid for my $75 membership last Saturday. I got a tour from a real friendly bunch and that's got me excited to try out all the interesting tools and take part in the community.

One problem though, I can't get into the building. I've emailed but in a week the only response I've gotten is telling me that I need to pay another $75 on September 23rd.

Surely there is a person I can speak to about this payment misunderstanding and about getting access to the building? I'm worried if I go through the info email to hammer this out my entire first month that I paid for will pass before I've gotten a chance to even step foot in the building.

I really just want to use this amazing makerspace.

Any help would be awesome.

Mauricio Quintana

Hey Colin, sorry to hear you're having difficulties. I am just another member, but I'd be happy to show you around and let you in until we can get you your own FOB etc.

I assume you've viewed the makerspace video

If you haven't. I urge you to do so as it goes over important points about working in our facility.

Best Regards,


Colin sparkes

Hey, Mauricio I've already gotten a tour and watched all the training videos. I just need a key.

Thanks for the offer though!

Beth Scott

Hi Colin,

I'm sorry that you've had a difficult time gaining access. If you're able to make it to the Space tonight or this afternoon, there should be a couple of people around who can help you. I've sent a message to Dave to keep his eyes peeled for a message from you if you send one through our Facebook page. I know he will be there all evening, possibly late afternoon.

Beth Scott

Dave confirmed that he will be around, and that he can make arrangements with you for another time slot if today doesn't work. A message through our Facebook is probably the best way to find him.

Colin sparkes

Hey, Beth! I've gotten a hold of Dave. Thanks a million for pointing me in the right direction

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