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The Lounge

An unpleasant surprise in Lounge area
James Befurt

Hi all,

Kind of wish my first forum post wasn't this disgusting, but hey, here we are.....

I was in the lounge area today and noticed some critter droppings underneath the overturned couch. I moved all of the rolls of film off of the couch in order to properly clean underneath.... it was not pretty. The culprit (which is clearly larger than a mouse) had clearly spent a good amount of time on and around the cushions underneath the couch.

I thoroughly cleaned and sanitized the area but I think the couch is a write-off. I also think many of the packages of film that were underneath and around the couch need to be thrown out. I stacked the cushions in one of the corners of the lounge as I wasn't sure what else to do with them.

Beth Scott

Yikes! A huge thanks for cleaning that up 👏

John Ball

Thanks for the heads up on the problem.

We've been having major problems over the pandemic with rats in the building. It isn't necessarily a problem with food being left out as it is an old building with many, many places for them to get inside but with so few people being in the building we have not been able to keep the traps set and the lounge ended up being a staging area for the face shields and not as easy to clean and monitor.

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