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Laser Cutter

Laser Install
Nicholas Adams

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to get the new laser room together. It has been a real team effort. I have added some art to the room.

I have also done a major clean of the laser. We need no ensure this happens more frequently as there was substantial build up. I don't think I will ever get the smell out of my hands. I think this will also decrease the smell coming off the laser. There was almost a 1/4 inch of build up on the bed. This may explain some of the bed leveling issue we have been facing. I have not cleaned the knives that go under the honeycomb as I ran out of time. If anyone is enterprizing, I would be happy not to do it. I would advise against pressure washing the honeycomb as I have been advised in the past that it could warp.

I have also installed and wired the tube and installed the mirrors and lens. I have noticed that the wire to the red switch on the head is broken. I am unsure if this is from the move or previous damage. The wire and air hose should also be secured as to not interfere with the belt.

Next steps are:

  • Place laser and lower feet
  • Level cabinet
  • Wire e-stop and switch
  • Level bed
  • Install chiller
  • Install vent
  • Align mirrors
  • Build and install door

Some questions:

  • Do we want to install the filter?
  • Do we add RFID at this time?
  • Grant - how do you want to do the interlocks?

I am sure I have missed something. I am open to criticism free imput here.

Grant Fraser

That looks awesome. Thanks for doing that Nicholas.

My plans for the laser are based on the way it worked before. Putting it back the way it was is best. I have other things to add to it after that. One thing is a remote pause button so you don't have to run for the machine if something goes wrong.

I guess we're in a place where a filter isn't needed. We just need to pipe 2-3' above the roof line.

We could add an RFID reader if we feel it necessary. It would be better to add it to the machine so it couldn't be easily bypassed.

Nicholas Adams

Sounds good Grant. I will keep tinkering with it. I think we should hold onto the filter forn now just in case it creates any problems unfiltered. Hoever I dont think it will be a problem.

Brad Gerow

Looking good.

Torsten Rothbart

**Crosspost from Facebook members page**

I've ordered the vevor 5200 chiller for the laser, as well as a 400 cfm 6 inch inline duct fan to boost the exhaust, should be here by Thursday.

Am I correct in assuming that the ceiling fan is for ambient air circ and the hole along the back wall is for machine exhaust ducting? With an exhaust fan on the mezzanine?

I was going to suggest pvc pipe from the machine to the mezzanine, as the tin isn't great for negative pressure, but if we mount the inline duct fan at the bottom it should make a nice push-pull solution.

Some sort of flex hose from wall to laser? 

Nicholas Adams

I belove you are correct on the venting. I was thinking steel duct up through the hole. The push pull configuration should be great. If we go hardline, pvc or galv duct there is a blue flex pipe that should be great from the laser to the wall. I have lots of pex to go from the chiller to the wall behind the laser then we can put valves to barbs to feed the laser. then we can shut it off for maintenance without creating a syphon. The chiller and main can can live on the mezzanine.

Torsten Rothbart

Sounds good to me.

I don't think the chiller should go on the mezzanine though, I feel like making it overcome an 8 foot water column to circulate might be hard on the pump. Not only that, but a leak or failure in the lines could result in a few gallons of water going into the ceiling. The new chiller is pretty compact, it should fit easily behind the laser.

Torsten Rothbart

Actually, the water column thing is probably not an issue, tech specs say it can push up 16m theoretically.

Here's the dimensions in jpeg format :

Grant Fraser

We were looking at putting it on the edge of the mezzanine. The display would have been visible from the laser doorway.

If we put it in the room maybe high on the wall? Have to consider head clearance vs tripping hazard.

Torsten Rothbart

Either/or, the mezzanine edge seemed like a good solution to see the current temp.

Nicholas Adams

I have plumbed the chiller. I noticed the comments about putting it on the edge after. I will move it.

Grant Fraser

Looking good

Nicholas Adams

Chiller has been moved.

Torsten Rothbart

Awesome, looks great!

How has the performance been with test cuts?

Torsten Rothbart

ALSO - what's left to set up? Other than the doors, I imagine we still need the compressor hooked up and a line routed for the air assist? I seem to recall we had a extra regulator and an inline moisture trap, but I only got to use the laser once in the previous space so my memory is a bit foggy.

Grant Fraser

Any small compressor would work. The extra moisture traps can be added later if needed. The trap also included a regulator for consistency.

There should be a dedicated computer and monitor set up. There are 4 outlets next to the door for this purpose.

Nicholas Adams

The old laser computer has been put into the laser. It fit nicely beside the controller board. A remote power switch has been added by the key switch. I will be 3d printing a cover for it so it does not accidently get turned off. The monitor has been placed in the old location. It is hooked to usb so the ports on the side of the monitor can be used for usb sticks etc. Keyboard and mouse are set up as before.

I have not tested it with the laser yet, as I discovered a missing bearing in the drive for the X axis drive. James measured it up and I have ordered a replacement. This is likely the culprit for the misaligned ends on circles.

I am part way through building the doors and turning my focus to getting the air compressor installed.

Nicholas Adams

It was not a priority, however, I was having fun. Here is the cover for the computer button.

Torsten Rothbart

Very nice cover! haha

Do we have a small air compressor in the space? I can bring mine in for now while we get the big compressor set up/

For the large compressor, I grabbed the rigid air line set that was on sale at KMS and was planning on routing air supply from the northeast corner of the woodshop along the walls or ceiling to the laser room and the paint booth. We can have the main regulator at the compressor for pneumatic tool pressures, then use secondary regulators at the paint booth and laser.

I thought I might put a single outlet centrally on the woodshop ceiling with intentions to put a hose reel or coiled air hose at a later date for ease of use.

Nicholas Adams

We do have a small compressor. I poured the slab for the big compressor today. It may take a couple days to cure due to the temperature. I also picked up the materials to build a shack around it. The compressor will be beside the exterior door if you would like to get a start on plumbing.

Torsten Rothbart

Sounds good, I'll start on it this afternoon

James mentioned you might have ordered the bearing already - I asked a couple places in town about them and they can bring them in next day, but if you already bought some I'll hold off

Nicholas Adams

Was nice seeing you at the space. The air system is looking good! I have the bearings in hand and will try them tommorow.

Torsten Rothbart

Secondary regulators are installed for the paint and laser areas, and the air system seems to be holding pressure. I have not adjusted the regulators yet, and I'm not sure what the final configuration of moisture trap and valves at the compressor will be - though it seems like Grant has a plan.

Grant was completing the wiring for the compressor when I left, hopefully we can move it into Nicholas' lovely shed tomorrow. What's the status on the laser itself? I see the bearing is in, do we need additional work on it before we start to use it?

Nicholas Adams

I will be in and out tommorow. I hope to get the compressor in sometime, but no guarantees. I would like to get the insulation and vapor barrier in before the compressor goes in. There are some precut pieces for the roof in the woodshop. We will need another batt of Safe and Sound. I will pick it up in the morning. I will use the rest around the furnace later on.

The laser should be ready to go. It just needs a usb connection between the computer and the main board on the laser until I can get the networking sorted out.

Grant Fraser

The relay project didn't go as planned.

For now the fans and chiller are connected to the fan switch on the wall.

To send power to the laser press the big green start button on the panel. Push stop when you are done. The indicator light doesn't work yet. Wrong voltage. It needed to be 120v.

There is a micro switch on the wall that can control the air solenoid.

Nicholas Adams

Sorry to hear the Grant. Thank you for your work on this project. We all know how frustrating it can be whenthings dot go to plan. It is looking good so far!

Grant Fraser

I've thought out the problem. The outlet on the laser cutter is GFCI protected. I just need a relay inside the machine to communicate with the panel.

Nicholas Adams

Mauricio added some relays a few years ago. There may be a good spot to tap off there. I belive it is by the stepper controllers towards the rear of the machine.

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