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Pottery Room

How to Buy Clay
Olivia McKay

Below is a guide on how to purchase clay at the Kamloops Makerspace. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You can contact me at (778) 257-0147 or

Please do not take clay until it has been paid for and documented. Thank you!

  1. To purchase clay, first visit the "Clay Prices" forum page for pricing details of each clay body. Decide upon your desired clay body and amount.
  2. Clay is stored in the black storage cabinet on the second floor landing. All clay in the bottom shelf is available for purchase by members. Please do not take the clay on the second shelf as it has already been paid for and/or is reserved for special projects. Availability of each clay body is not guaranteed, so please check the cabinet to ensure the desired clay body is available prior to purchasing.
  3. Pay for your clay via the website. Sign in then go to Donations > Clayspace > Donate. Fill out the amount you are paying. Please fill out the comment section with the type and amount of clay you are purchasing (e.g. 1/2 box Coffee or 1 box M390).
  4. Next, record your purchase in the purchase log located in the Clayspace. Please fill out all fields.
  5. Grab your clay and get making!!

Amanda Karaca

This process has changed!! clay orders will be going though Amanda, and will be ordered individually though Greenbarn for pickup every other month. (maybe more frequently- get in touch!)

This saves us from having to chase odown payment and keep a large and expensive inventory on hand.

1) check the event calendar for the order deadline- I will input it when my travel dates are confirmed.

2) make a donation to the clayspace for the firing/delivery/kiln capital replacement costs $25/box

3) put in an order with greenbarn for one of the clay bodies we use. Max 3boxes per person please.


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