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Society Information/Meetings

Montly Members Meeting
Jyelle Vogel

Our next meeting is Monday the 13th of September!

I hope that lots of people will be able to make it!

I know this is the Maker Monday night and the meeting might conflict with chores a little bit.


Are we doing a zoom meeting, a gathering or combination?

Edit:also what time?

Nicholas Adams

The meeting is online at 6:00

Jyelle Vogel


Meeting time is tomorrow!

Oct 18th


I do hope we can meet in person again.

But it's still nice to see everyone online.

Please let people know!

James Befurt

What is the consensus? Are we meeting in person or online?

Also, I didn't take full meeting minutes as I only became Secretary during last meeting. I can't find them posted in the google drive.

Edit: Also, I'm not sure who's in charge of generating a zoom link. I'd like to put that in the post. I know it's getting down to the wire now, but hopefully we can be on top of this well in advance coming into the next members meeting.

Also, also, would be nice to get a board members chat going on whatsapp, discord, or something that might be more convenient for quick questions. Thoughts?

Nicholas Adams

Online at

Topic: October Makerspace Meeting

Time: Oct 18, 2021 06:00 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 0759 8375

Passcode: 115637

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+16699006833,,87207598375#,,,,*115637# US (San Jose)

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    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 872 0759 8375

Passcode: 115637

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Jyelle Vogel


May the 4th be with you... the day before our meeting, which is on the 5th of May at 6pm.

We are still doing our meetings online.

I think it will be the same address on zoom as in the below message.

Agenda items:

Board report/ chair report

financials (we need more money)

covid updates (when can we meet in person again/ when do we want to?)

Canada Day table

Tuesday eve Girl Guides

Womens night (dates and info)

Hack night updates

Operation table project update

Policies/ guidelines

New members/ membership drive (deals? or promos? give away some one month trials)

Email our old members to check in

News letter (update/ info to share for this month)

Nicholas Adams

My appologies. I have confirmed that a couple directors are unable to make it. I have also been unable to prepare for the meeting due to work matters. I think it is best to move the meeting to the Thursday 19th of May.

Nicholas Adams

I guess we are doing this

Join Zoom Meeting

Rae Foster

When is the next one? I want to attend (if I'm allowed as a forum only member) but just missed the last one.


Edit: I found the schedule elsewhere, sorry to bother you.


our member meetings are open to the public. You are certainly welcome to attend as a forum only member.

Garret Hunter

Member's meeting this Thursday August 4th?

Brad Gerow

Yes it is

Garret Hunter

Are there any meeting minutes from the last meeting?

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