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Society Information/Meetings

Cancelling Room Booking

If you have made a room booking that you wish to cancel, follow the instructions bellow.

1. go to the room booking page and click on “volunteer myself” this is the same process for booking a room.

2. Click on the room with the booking you wish to cancel. This is also the same process as booking.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the next button. You do not want to click any of the check boxes for booking slots on this page.

4. You will be taken to the page listing your bookings for the month. In the top right corner of this list (see attached image), you will see a pencil and trash can icon. Click the pencil icon to edit/ remove your room bookings.


I tried this and am unable to "uncheck", I suspect it may be because I am not an editor? Or maybe because I am too close to the time (an hour and 3 hours). Anyone had success with this that is not an editor or is there another way?

Jyelle Vogel

Yeah I haven't had much success with the un-booking...

I know that the room booking is going to be talked about at the meeeting tomorrow night!

Not sure if this might be a good place to see what people think of the system and if they want to keep using it or if they want to go back to pre covid ways

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