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Pottery Room

Glaze fire soon?
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Hi Olivia,

wondering when you were going to unload the glaze firing… anxious about those 2 big bowls.

Karen and I were at the space yesterday and opted to put on the kiln last night instead of Sunday. It was totally full so there was no more room for anything else!! We plan on doing another glaze fire next weekend (if there’s enough glazed items) and perhaps a mid-week bisque (again, if there’s enough dried items). I’m sorry if this has messed up anyone’s plans!

Sure… the 11th works for me. Jyelle had posted for the 7th so maybe check with her?

Sure… the 11th works for me. Jyelle had posted for the 7th so maybe check with her?

I checked the cabnet and it is not up there

The dry chemicals that were located outside the pottery room got relocated to a steel cabinet on the mezzanine. Not sure if what you want is up there.

Heyo! Can we plan for a glaze fire soon? Perhaps the 11th so folks can have the weekend to glaze? I don’t mind loading up the kiln and putting it on if that makes things easier 😊

Also wondering where the alumina hydrate might be located? I like to dust it in my kiln cookies or the kiln shelves so my drippy mugs don’t get ruined/wreck the kiln. Thanks!

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