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Society Information/Meetings

September first members meeting
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When I "click" on the minutes I told they are unavailable? (On my phone as a forum member)

Great job getting it done so fast

yes. Automatic renewal has not been implemented yet.

To be clear, that's for October right? We still need to pay for September?

implementing automatic membership renewal.

email notifications will be sent out several days before each automatic renewal. There will be no cancelation fees.

items to add to agenda in no particular order.

new member introduction email needed

  • needs to tell people that key fobs can be set up by appointment through or during our open house hacknights
  • detail basic requirements and how to find resources for them.
  • emphasize the volunteer nature of the makerspace.
  • please add anything else but email should be fairly short and digestible.

workshop guidelines

vote to accept the new guidelines for both makerspace run workshops where the makerspace acts as instructor and manager of workshop.

and workshops where the makerspace is acting as a venue for individuals to run workshops where the makerspace is fairly compensated for our facility but has limited involvement with the instruction or management of the workshop.

women’s night

compile volunteer list.

events such as

  • public outreach events
  • group tours, often for children and during school hours
  • hacknight
  • maintenance

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