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SawStop Issue
Andrew Buchner

Went to make a cut on the table saw right before I left tonight, and could not get the saw to properly turn on.

Flipping on the power switch, there is a noticeable delay before the lights start flashing, far longer than usual. Several times, no lights would come on when the switch was thrown. If the lights did come on, they blink in the usual startup pattern before settling on a solid green. However, after pulling the red activation paddle out, the saw will run for 1-2 seconds before shutting itself off, including turning the lights off while the paddle and switch still on.

There does not seem to be any mechanical issue, the saw was not contacting any part of the inner assembly and sounded normal when it briefly ran. Tried power cycling a few times, but at most the saw will run for two second and shut off with a small click from inside the switch box. I will be away for work tomorrow until the evening, but I will take a look at a manual online when I can.

Torsten Rothbart

Darn, that sucks! Thanks for looking into it Andrew

Torsten Rothbart

I found this guide to pulling extended diagnostic error codes from the sawstop - apparently the flashing pattern is communicative.

SawStop Service Tip: Pull Extended Diagnostic Error Codes - YouTube

Andrew Buchner

Thanks, Torsten! I will take a look into those tomorrow afternoon and see if I can give SawStop Support a call if I find anything.

Andrew Buchner

Same issues today, I was able to pull extended code 62 at idle, and not when the saw shuts off after trying to power on (only SawStop has the list of those codes, it seems. ) I called SawStop Support a little too late in the day, so I sent a detailed email to them. I'll be out of cell service tomorrow until late, but I might have internet to send any answers I get sooner than the evening.

Only new discovery is that the control box seems very sensitive to touch, vibration, or wiggling. Any motion of any kind will reset the saw, and restart it's initialization sequence of solid green/flashing red, which can be interupted again and again by the smallest bump or wiggle, even touching the bypass key too suddenly will trip it. So, there may be a wire loose inside the box that interrupts the circuit. I will see what Support gets back to me with, might need to replace the entire control box ($150 USD + shipping) if there is not a fix inside.

Andrew Buchner

I'll try to get to Hack Night if I can get back into town before 9pm, but here is the reply from SawStop Support if anyone else wants to take a look. Sorry for spamming this board, but I know how important the table saw is to our Space.

Update for CASE12613 

Hi Andrew,


It does sound like a switchbox connection issue, especially if wiggling or moving the switchbox causes the issue. I'd recommend unplugging the saw and opening the switchbox to inspect. Wiggle all the wire connections inside. Make sure the smaller circuit board is still attached with standoffs to the main circuit board. 

If you continue to have issues or cant identify the issue, please give us a call to troubleshoot. 


Best regards,

Service Department

SawStop, LLC

Tualatin, Oregon

Phone: (503) 582-9934  (M-F 7am-5pm Pacific)


Andrew Buchner

The saw appears to be working again. Just by opening the control box, I may have moved whatever loose wire was causing the issue back into position, because I could not replicate the fault under any circumstances. Everything inside seems to be totally normal.

If the issue detailed here does happen again, it might be the brake data cable, the monitor-style connector inside the box that runs the brake cartridge, and we should try tightening that first. Otherwise, it might be a replacement of the control box or that cable, based on what SawStop Support told me over the phone.

Torsten Rothbart

Excellent tech wizardry haha

Nicholas Adams

The table saw exhibited the same problem again today. I opened the control box and noticed that one of the boards that should have been attached to the other had come loose. Three screws (thanks Torsten) were needed to reattach it. I think it should be fixed now.

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