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Woodshop leak?
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I went up and tightened all the screws on the tin over the woodshop, a fair number were loose and a few are completely stripped. Once summer rolls around I'll replace them all.

James and I found a number of loose fasteners on the tin roofing, which means the little rubber gaskets aren't sealing the screw holes - I'll hop up and tighten them down in the hopes that they're part of the problem. Hopefully the sill plate issue just needs a bit of flashing in the spring to resolve that north wall issue

Fortunately Nicholas found the source of the clay space leak and it was the venting, which was wicking water to the inside of the pipe. It needs to be waterproofed, and then it should fine.

Seems to be a similar issue in the clay room, along that same wall, and the street facing wall behind the kiln.

I noticed the leak the other day and moved your cnc from the leak area. We had water ingress from the roof whe we first moved into the space. It was coming down from the damaged drywall area. On the roof, it changes roof materials in that area and driving rain made its way upward between the two. I plan to spray foam this gap in the spring. I checked the drywall the other day and it was dry.

The woodshop area is an addition put on a slab. I don't think there is any water protection on the bottom plate of the wall. I am having a similar issue on the other sid of the building. snow built up against the building is melting and coming under the wall. removing snow from this area may help. I am planning on adding some protection along the problem areas in the spring.

Good news, I hung the TV up.

Bad news, there appears to have been a fair amount of water ingress into the woodshop - pooling in the concrete divots, drywall seam failure in the ceiling and along the north wall.

Not sure what the roof looks like in that area, might be an external fix?

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