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Society Information/Meetings

Clean Up Initiative
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Hello all! Thank you to everyone who has been working hard to clean up the space, it is SUPER appreciated. I’m going to share what my plan is for cleaning and packing up the Clayspace.

1. Going through glazes and getting rid of all the old, dry, crusty, and low fire glazes.

2. Getting rid of all abandoned bisque ware, crusty containers of slip and unclaimed greenware & finished pieces. Usually, I like to reclaim abandoned greenware, but because we are moving and need to free up space instead of use it, I will be opting to throw it out.

3. Going through all abandoned/unclaimed personal bins. I need help on what to do with these things…. Please see number 2 below.

4. Purging of all random supplies/tools in the Clayspace (mostly tools, doodads, bins of swatches in drawers)

5. Packing bins of cloths, aprons, glaze chemicals, tools, glazes, paint brushes etc… (this will come later when we are closer to moving)

What I need help with:

1. Disposal: I will be taking as much garbage and waste as I can do the dump, but I have a small vehicle and not much space. There are also larger items that need to be disposed of (e.g. totally dried up non-recyclable clay from the sink, large buckets of abandoned slip and the crappy bins of glaze).

2. Deciding what to do with left over clay, supplies and large items have not been picked up yet (e.g. purchased clay, slip casts, old kiln vent from Amanda Eccleston). To be honest, I do not have the capacity to reach out to people on an individual basis about left over supplies/consumables. I think most people are in the same boat right now. I am of the mindset that if people have not picked up their stuff by the deadline (Friday Sept 15th), then we should do with their things as we deem necessary - wether that be reclaiming, re-selling, throwing away or re-homing. I want other people’s opinions on what we should do because I feel we need to this in a fair way but I also don’t want to burden myself or anyone else. On this note, I do plan on reaching out to the Kamloops Art Party about taking the slip cast moulds off of our hands.

3. Deciding what to do about all the big pieces of bisque ware on display on the third floor. These were made by Marie (I forget her last name) many years ago and have been abandoned since. These are options (or a combo of options) that I am considering: selling it to members who want to glaze them, giving them away to members who want to glaze them, glaze as many as we can and then sell them, throwing them away, or storing them in my garage until we are established in the new space with the ability to glaze them. Something to consider is that most of these items are LARGE vessels that would require a lot of glaze, which may not be feasible in this time of transition.

I will be in today to begin loading the kiln for the last bisque as well as tagging a few items (e.g. wheels and slip cast moulds) as available for the sale on Sunday, which I will most likely not be able to attend.

I will be in Monday morning/afternoon to hopefully knock off a few items on this list (or at least start). Please give me some feedback on the points above and add things as needed! This is a starting point and I am just trying to do my best in helping out.

Thanks for the notice on what youve been doing, Grant!

The pile of computer towers needs to be recycled. I did not notice any of them as being complete computers. I took them down looking for parts. The boxes of computer parts on the shelves also need to be recycled. Years ago computers were broken down into components and were never rebuilt into new computers. Those sorts of things don't get better with age.

I see John has been going through the hack room and there is a pile of computer towers there. What is out plan with those. That room confuses me and makes my brain hurt from all the amazing things done that I don’t understand hahahahha so people can let me know what has to go away. I am teaching next weekend then agin 2 weeks after that.

AUG 26

-Me and Brad did a big dump run! Mostly the wood scraps in the blue tubs, dont be too worried people

+Brad and his son were the ones who actually went to the dump, but we got rid of a LoooooT of various accumulated mess in the fab hallway and woodshop hack squares

-Vaughn tossed in the old deteriorating spaceships

-Dave was around for moral support (that is, he showed up for a completely different project and got kinda sucked in(we were also in the way of the laser cutter so, uh, that kinda stalled his intended purpose))

-Garrett Hunter showed up for their rocket!

-Theres a bunch of stuff on the fab table (or might be, i might move it before i have to rush to the bus) its Yard Sale stuff, or at least likely is

-I got the speakers for the lounge computer working. Peeps, uh, maybe dont use janky additions to an extension cord and over-fill them with vampire drain un-used charge blocks.

-[Craftorium Mini] desk is in place! As part of space consolidation, things will be moved here, please dont use it as a general use space, or storage, unless you are part of the Craftorium Committee/Crew/Im Kinda Making This Up As I Go

-[Metal Mill!] Garrett Hunter also expressed a potential interest in the mill, which would be rad! (but also understandable if you dont want it, hello thank you for telling me you read this activity archive). So thats cool!

-all of design lab acrylic and vinyl should be in the same room now, thats important keep it there

-another peep showed up for their Periodic Table and various (i am told) good quality woods they left here. Thank you for picking things up, and sorry i already forgot youre name im very tired and bad at name remembering

-gonna try to move some electronics on to the lounge end table, and Oh Gods Its Already Very Late And Nearly Bus Time, maybe i wont tonight actually


Aug 17 2023

Fab Lab:

-cleaned out under the big table on Monday!

-there were several big motors under there so if you want one for a project, take it home! They're in the big gray bins (theyd all been sitting for at least three years!)

Im in the Space right now, but not sure how long I'll be around or what I'll do. It's roasting today and im sleep deprived!

It's aug 14 as of writing.

I'm back in after a weekend rest.

Of the Classroom clear-out, which is first order of business so it can be rented:

-It's essentially emptied!

+there are six rolly office chairs for disposal; does anyone want to take one home or out of the space? You have a week at most before they are unilaterally removed. (or im told i cant do that, for good reason)

+there is a desk that i want to move to lounge as the Sewing Table (interm); it is too heavy/dangerous for me to move by myself, aid is welcome

-there are two folding tables, a folding stool, and the bookshelf that are staying in the room.

-the dry erase boards could be moved, but i dont see a point currently.

-the space has been swept and partially vacuumed, but could use a wipe down. Nothing intensive needed, i dont think it would be a problem to do a dry-wash of the walls, and a quick wet of the arm-reach areas. Dont need to worry about this till just before someone is having the space.

The Design Lab:

-Is currently housing the sheer number of rolls of acrylic(is it?) from the Classroom. It also has the roll-cart, and projector thing (which might be broken?)

-Speaking of broken, I [NEED] someone who can tell which machines are broken in the design lab

+Broken machines are on the block for disposal

-Material connected to machines need to be identified and collated

+and then you guessed it, disposed if un-needed or overstocked. Down to basics folks.


-Now housing all the books from the Classroom shelf.

+I'm going to go through these, seperate them by type, and then open them for disposal or keeping. We have more books and magazines then needed by far.

+a (very small) selection of kept materials will be moved to the lounge so they are actually accessible; important materials not on display might be kept in "archive" so they can rotate through

-the guitar is also in here now, as are the table games; these are currently marked for disposal, which means figuring out if theres ownerships involved first


-now housing the two monitors from the Classroom

-as well as the speakers and audio equipment and a whole tangle of cords.

+I [NEED] a techy person to vet them and figure out where they are going (not on a shelf please and thank you, if avoidable); again, one week before them become Disposal.

-the couch and tables might move around as Simone and I work on making the lounge multifunctional and not cramped.

Hackspace and Electronics Lab:

  • [HEY VERY BIG NEED] for tech peeps (Jon this is probably you, as i understand) to help me go through materials, and equipment we have more then one of. These spaces are due a big purge and i am not knowledgeable enough to do it
  • -goal is to get the two spaces into one room


-gonna be going through materials in the various spaces and bringing stuff to the haul away bins

+if theres something dear to you, bring it home, or put it in your storage bin. (if someone wants all 500 horseshoe nails and the two boxes of chair wheels, please take them)

Well, i think thats the mains of it for now. Somehow accidentally activated a bulleted list for a moment there.

If this is too much a mess to read through or understand, tell me and I'll tl;dr it later. For now, its time to go through some old materials~

This is Faen~!

One part of the two who made case to work on going through spaces and tidy them up. (Simone is the other primary)

Circumstances has this post made later then i intended, but now that i can actually post to the Forum, i'll be striving to post a log of action. It'll be inconsistently updated as things are collated, or as energy allows.

I'm posting it here as the other forum divisions dont seem good fits, and this is a "committee" formed during a Members Meeting. It'll also often require approvals or notices to Members, so thats another reason it felt good fit. If it needs to be moved, not a difficult act.

Alright! Justifications over with for now, on to the show~

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