Hi! I'm pretty keen to make the craftorium clean and closer to the photos on the website.
I spent a hot second making a list of where to start, and it was an absolute snowball of questions. I'll start a seperate thread for sewing machine intel, because those are complicated.
But mostly about the space,
Things I want to change to make it more appealing
1) it's hella dirty.
2) the machines need dust covers
3) the commercial irons are not set up, and therefore just wasting space.
4) there's a bunch of stuff that seems like it's just been left there.
And most importantly,
5) it's not a place where I could just walk in, and start working on a project, and I suspect that's a barrier to use.
With those points in mind, I'm going to start making it better.
I've left my list of questions on the industrial machine, but here's a picture of it if anyone has answers.
Also, if there's a weekday evening that works best for folks to help out let me know!