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Society Information/Meetings

Jyelle Vogel

April 6th Meeting


Brad will you be around for this one?

Also.. I'm not sure if we are gonna get the lounge cleaning started before our meeting but I know we spent a fair amount of time talking about that last meeting.

As for possible agenda items maybe we can talk about:

summer camp collaboration with BLSCenter or the Arts Council. Both those groups seem interested.

I know people there who are keen.

Bailey I know you are interested in doing a youth girls camp. I would love to help support that.

Fundraisers and ongoing member recruitment

upcoming events like Art in the Park farmers markets and other

paying people for doing things vs volunteering and how to help the space move forward.

aka visioning and Purple stuff?? or other ideas

cleaning always be on the list

supplies needed for the space

membership and community/ membership as community how to keep working on bringing that back.

those are my ideas so far!

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