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Anyone free this weekend to show me how to use the...
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Sounds good

Somewhere around 3ish? I'll head over a little early and muck around.

Some time between 10am and 5pm is good for me.

Absolutely any time Sunday. Sorry I didn't get this message earlier. Is there a time that works for you? And thank you.


I can be available this weekend. What time works for you?

Hello, hello. I have fabulous plans for Christmas ideas and all I need is to know how to use the machines! :)

Is anyone around this weekend to show me how to go on with the laser cutter? I have watched the video, and will go through it again and do the quiz before Friday afternoon.

Also, I'm new! Hello!! I am sure you'll see a few "help me Obi Wan" pleas in the future. But I'm funny, so I'm hoping that helps.

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