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Would anyone be free this weekend to show me how t...
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Excellent. See you in an hour

That's great! I'll see you Saturday at noon.

Yes I have watched the video a few times now and I have passed the multiple choice test.

saturday at noon will work. Have you taken the laser101 test under relearning on our website. There is a video you watch with it and after passing the written test online, are ready for the practical test.

Hey, kyle!

Thanks for the offer. I guess my preference would be Saturday at noon. If not at noon then any time after that would also be ideal. Let me know if that works for you.

Also what should I have prepared prior to the test? Any advice on the best place to buy wood for the laser cutter?

I appreciate it!

Hello Colin.

yes. I can give you the practical exam this weekend. Any preference for time or day?

Hey, everyone. I'm looking for a mentor to give me a run down of the laser cutter either this weekend or any weekend.

I've used cnc equipment in school (I studied mech Eng) but I've never used a laser cutter. I imagine I'll pick it up pretty quick.

I've watched the video, done the test, now I just need a person to give me the okay to actually use the cutter.

If someone could get me up to speed on this thing. I'd be happy to pay for their time in beer, money, and/or hackables.

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