So the automation portion is in fact running.
The outstanding items I see are:
- Need to check the X-axis ballnut as Hunter and I may have set it too tight. We also never properly centered the jack screw prior to retightening the ballnut support.
- Need to align/square the bed on all axes
- As far as cooling fluid, what I have learned from machining channels is that you need it if you are doing high speed cuts. On a hobby machine I have only seen lubricant application with a brush prior to cutting.
- As far as tooling I suggest:
- Set of machinist's thin parallels (to hold the piece square and high enough on the vise jaws)
- soft faced hammer (for setting the pieces on the vise)
- facing cutter (for cutting surfaces square)
- edge finding tool
- R8 Shank Keyless drill chuck
As far as instruction I am following a youtuber called Quinn Dunki who has an excellent tutorial on operating both lathe and mill tables. It is Called BlondiHacks. Highly recommend this to anyone who wants to learn about machining.